Sunday, April 4, 2010

iPad: Worth it or Not?

Just recently the Apple iPad was released and has been selling like crazy. But is it actually worth the steep price of $499?

I think not.

Although the iPad is bigger, it is essentially an enlarged iPod. The only function I see being useful is to use it as an electronic book. There are other things that make it useful. This article tells how versatile the iPad is.
The one thing that sucks with the iPad is that it doesn't support flash. Not supporting flash takes away many things on the internet and applications that use flash.

I read another article that explained how bad the iPad is. It doesn't have a camera, doesn't support flash, and it can't multitask.
Technology these days rely on multitasking applications and the iPad can't multitask at all.

It is the first generation iPad, but it is a failure.

What do you think of the iPad? yay or nay?

Does Video Gaming Lead to Violence?

Here is a huge controversy that I thought about while stumbling on the internet... Does video gaming lead to violence?

Many sources such as CBS's 6O Minutes, and CNN claim that it is a scientific fact that violence in video games leads to violence in real life. Others believe that it doesn't. I found an article that claims video games does cause aggression but is believed it is rooted from previous reasons.

Many other resources claim that there are no real links between video games and real violence. What do you think?

I believe that video games can enhance one's already developed aggression and natural violence... I don't think somebody can become violent by playing violent video games, but in fact just get desensitized to the idea.

I read an article about the the inferences on some of the reasons of columbine shooting. They claimed that they found violent video games like Wolfenstein 3-D and other violent games lead them to believe that the violence in video games made a difference. NO WAY is that true in any case... Sorry, I played Wolfenstein 3-D a long time ago and you don't see me shooting up my high school now do you? No.
Plus, Mortal Kombat was a revolutionary fighting game and any person that has ever played a video game has played Mortal Kombat at some point in their life. They even made a mediocre movie because it was/is such a hit video game.

Violence in video games keep gamers on their toes. And there's violence in so many video games that might not even be tagged as a violent game. It's what us gamers' live for. Of course it is simple to believe that a violent video game may make your kid be a violent person but if your kid is violent, don't blame it on the video games.

All of my friends play video games and none of them are violent or aggressive. And we all started playing video games when we were just little kids. Playing Goldeneye when I was in 1st grade was awesome! It taught me how run over enemies in tanks and shoot a gun and save the babe at the end, but it's not like I want to run people over in a tank, or kill people. Plus, the media has SO much more violence, movies, TV shows, the internet.

In conclusion, and in my opinion, violent video games don't make people more violent. But to media standards it does.

What do you think?